2 decades in world-leading climate & sustainability roles,
at some of the largest Metals & Mining companies in the world
Strong business experience rooted in general management, strategy, sales and marketing, B2B branding, product development, and stakeholder engagement.
Multisector experience in metals and mining, aluminium, automotive, building, packaging, cable, food and beverage, energy and consumer electronics supply chains.
- First ever sustainability standard across a single material value chain Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (Co-founder and early co-developer)
- the world’s first low carbon brand for a material (ALLOW). It achieved $3 Bn of sales in 4 years.
- the world first NET ZERO CARBON strategy across the metals & mining industry (Jan 2021)
- First high-profile Mine-to-Consumer partnerships with industry-leading businesses (Rio Tinto-Apple, BMW, Heineken, ABInbev, Ball)
Act and inspire others for a low carbon and fair society.
We work with the support of a network of independent experts and institutions.
Every scenario is different, with businesses and investors each facing a unique set of challenges, demands and objectives.
For some organisations, aspirations to decarbonise may be limited by a lack of alignment, internally and externally. For others, supply chain isolation may be inhibiting circularity. Whatever the scenario, we take time to fully evaluate your unique circumstances and aspirations.
Upon recognition of your goals and barriers, we develop relevant and applicable solutions that inspire sustainable transformations to leverage your unique competitive advantages.
We anchor our practice through long-term thinking, combined with actionable roadmaps and short-term deliverables.
Make a positive step toward NET ZERO carbon and be more competitive.
Get in touch with us today.
Fast Forward Zero was founded in 2022 by Jerome Lucaes, who brings more than two decades of First Mover experiences in the space of Aluminium and sustainability:
WE UNDERSTAND COMPLEXITY of businesses and supply-chains.
The it comes to your challenge, there is a chance that we have tackled already a similar one.
We have done it already!
And we are DRIVEN by IMPACT.
John Revess, Vice President at WBCSD